Browsing articles tagged with "Kids - arbelogy"
12 26 11

And please note any of this goes for the Cruise´s

illustration suri kids editorial magazine

11 16 11

Check this out. My self-portrait was requested as an outstanding contributor. So due to this is a kids magazine, I went for a five years-old one.

illustration naif magazine kids editorial

11 16 11

This is my last work at naif magazine. I had big time doing it, and guess the style itself shows it. Hope you like it as well!

illustration naif magazine editorial kids

11 03 11

Check out my collaboration with naif magazine: their web-blog new headboard. Cool magazine, very nice people to work with.

There´s yet more to come!

illustration naif kids magazine

11 02 11

Also remember you´re very welcome here 

illustration fashion editorial